retrograde transport

retrograde transport
ретроградный транспорт

English-russian biological dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "retrograde transport" в других словарях:

  • retrograde transport — fast axonal transport from the axon terminal to the nerve cell body, occurring at a rate of about 250 mm/day; it provides for the movement of endogenous and extracellular elements from the synaptic cleft to the cell body for sampling …   Medical dictionary

  • Retrograde motion — This article is about retrograde motions of celestial bodies relative to a gravitationally central object. For the apparent motion as seen from a particular vantage point, see Apparent retrograde motion. Retrograde orbit: the satellite (red)… …   Wikipedia

  • Rétrograde (astronomie) — On dit d un objet du système solaire qu il a un mouvement rétrograde s il effectue une révolution autour de son corps de référence (par exemple le Soleil pour les planètes dans un repère héliocentrique, planètes pour les satellites) dans le sens… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • retrograde — 1. Moving backward. 2. Degenerating; reversing the normal order of growth and development. [L. retrogradus, fr. retro + gradior, to go] * * * ret·ro·grade re trə .grād adj 1) characterized by retrogression 2) affecting a period immediately prior… …   Medical dictionary

  • retrograde — UK [ˈretrəʊˌɡreɪd] / US [ˈretroʊˌɡreɪd] adjective formal returning to a condition or situation that is worse than the present one a retrograde step: The government s whole transport strategy is a huge retrograde step …   English dictionary

  • retrograde axonal transport — The transport of vesicles from the synaptic region of an axon towards the cell body: involves the interaction of MAP1C with microtubules …   Dictionary of molecular biology

  • transport — The movement or transference of biochemical substances in biologic systems. [L. transporto, to carry over, fr. trans + porto, to carry] active t. the passage of ions or molecules across a cell membrane, not by passive diffusion but by an energy… …   Medical dictionary

  • Axoplasmic transport — Axoplasmic transport, also called axonal transport, is responsible for movement of mitochondria, lipids, synaptic vesicles, proteins, and other cell parts to and from a neuron s cell body through the cytoplasm of its axon (the axoplasm). Axons,… …   Wikipedia

  • Axonaler Transport — Unter axonalem Transport versteht man den Transport von Substanzen im Axon einer Nervenzelle. Man unterscheidet einen langsamen axonalen Transport, der nur in einer Richtung, vom Zellkörper (Soma) zum peripheren Ende des Axons, verläuft, und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • anterograde transport — fast axonal transport from the nerve cell body to the axon terminal, occurring at a rate of about 400 mm/day; besides providing molecular transport, it also furnishes large amounts of membrane for renewal of the terminal and axolemma and for… …   Medical dictionary

  • orthograde transport — Axonal transport from the cell body of the neuron towards the synaptic terminal. Opposite of retrograde transport and probably dependent on a different mechanochemical protein (almost definitely kinesin) interacting with microtubules …   Dictionary of molecular biology

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